Ok, I am trying to get back on track on the FFM, and this week is a borrowed meme.
FFM: Official Sports Teams of PoliBlog
Borrowing from The Yin Blog, this week’s FFM is What is Your Blog’s (or Your Personal) Official Sport Teams (and a Little Bit of “Why”)?
For PoliBlog they are as follows:
Pro Football: The Dallas Cowboys. I was born in Forth Worth and spent my early football-formative years with Roger Staubach’s Cowboys. I have been a fan ever since.
College Football: The Texas Longhorns. I did my undergrad work at the University of California, Irvine (Go Anteaters!/Zot!)–which didn’t have a football team, but I was always partial to the Longhorns during my youth in Texas and given that I spent six and a half years at UT as a student and one year there as a Visiting Instructor, it is no surprise my blood runs burnt orange. I also pull for the Troy Trojans, but that’s a whole different kind of fandom, and a whole different level of football.
Pro Basketball: The San Antonio Spurs. When I was a lad, we never watched basketball in my house. For a while Dallas didn’t have a team, and when the NBA came to Dallas in the form of the Mavericks they, well, sucked. However, when we moved to SoCal when I was in High School, it was the Magic Johnson/Kareem Abdul-Jabar era for the Lakers, and I became a Laker fan until I moved back to Texas for grad school. Between the fact that Lakers I knew all started to retire, the fact that I didn’t get Laker games, and the fact that I did get Spurs games helped transform me into a Spurs fan. It was the David Robinson era, and so there was something there to like. I think that because basketball really was a sport of my youth, it made it easier to switch alliances.
Pro Baseball: The Texas Rangers. I am, at best, a lukewarm fan.
College Basketball, Baseball, Women’s Basketball: UT, just because, but I am hardly a hardcore fan. Let’s put it this way, the only itme I have ever watched a UT baseball game was when they were in the final game of the College World Series. And the only time I ever watched a women’s basketball game was when they were in the Championship game a while back.
Hockey: I am not a hockey fan (unlike my youngest sister), but I have actively rooted for the Dallas Stars in the past when they were in their Stanley Cup years. I even watched a number of games. When the NHL went on strike, I didn’t notice.
Soccer: As a Latin Americanist, I thought I ought to like soccer. So I once tried really, really hard to care about soccer. It didn’t work.
Teams I actively root against: The New York Yankees, the Oklahoma Sooners, the Texas A&M Aggies (although sometimes, if it will make the conference look good, I can tolerate them winning), the San Francisco 49ers, the Philadelphia Eagles, the Washington Redskins, and the New York Giants. And, I must admit, the Lakers of late (rivalry with SA, plus the whole Kobe things was annoying–so my transformation in that area has been complete, I suppose–with apologies to my brother). Also: any team ranked higher than Texas in the polls (or even those near Texas in the polls).
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Official Sports Teams
Jumping on the FFM Writing of Dr. Taylor at PoliBlog, here are my official sports teams:
Pro Football:Tennessee Titans, why you ask, because I just became a fan of them when I moved to Alabama.
College Football:Troy Trojans, and like you really even…
Trackback by Politics In Alabama — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 7:26 am
“I spent six and year years”
Now exactly how long is that?
Comment by Jan — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 7:39 am
That should be “and a half” –will fix.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 7:42 am
[…] rests, Sports — Scott Gosnell (Paladin) @ 7:43 am
The Sultan is trying to get back in the FFM groove. This week’s meaningless but much-anticipated trivia: “What is Your B […]
Pingback by A Knight’s Blog » Poliblog’s Friday Fun Meme — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 7:42 am
Official Sprots Team?
Dr. Taylor over at Poliblog has started today’s Friday Fun Meme early this morning. . .
Trackback by Irrational Woman — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 8:40 am
Friday Fun Meme! Official Sports Teams of The Unusual Suspects
In the tradition of Poliblogger, here’s my Friday Fun Meme! I like it because its about my favorite sports teams.
Pro Football: The Pittsburgh Steelers (as if that wasn’t obvious enough). I have bled Black and Gold really since Bill Cow…
Trackback by The Unusual Suspects — Friday, September 16, 2025 @ 11:33 am
FFM: Official Sports Teams of DDinT (On a Monday??
Note: I meant to post this Friday night, but in a moment of idiocy, I saved it as a draft and didn’t even notice until tonight. D’oh!
Steven of Poliblog has his Friday Fun Meme up. This week, it’s ‘What are your blog’s Official Sports Teams?’
Trackback by Down deep in Texas: The View from Waco — Monday, September 19, 2025 @ 10:27 pm