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Friday, December 23, 2025
FFM: Favorite Christmas Songs
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 11:44 am

In honor of the Holiday Season, today’s Friday Fun Meme is “Favorite Christmas Carols”

5. Greensleeves/What Child is This?

4. Carol of the Bells (version: on Mannheim Steamroller’s A Fresh Aire Christmas audio clip here (#10)).

3. O Come, O Come, Immanuel (favorite version: “Veni Veni” on Mannheim Steamroller’s A Fresh Aire Christmasaudio clip here (#3)).

2. Silent Night

1. O Holy Night (far and away my favorite)

Honorable mentions: Joy to the World, The Christmas Song (version: either the Velvet Fog himself or Johnny Mathis), Los Peces in el Rio (clip here), Feliz Navidad–and tons others, as I love Christmas music.

Merry Christmas to you all.

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Friday, December 16, 2025
FFM: Favorite Christmas Specials
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 12:45 pm

This week’s Friday Fun Meme: Favorite Christmas Specials.

This week, in order from 5 to 1:

5. The Year Without a Santa Claus (Heat Miser and Cold Miser make this one, no doubt)
4. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
3. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
2. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (an utter classic)
1. A Charlie Brown Christmas (can it get any better than that?)

Had I gone generic “holiday” the Peanuts Thanksgiving and Halloween specials would be #s 3 and 4.

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A Knight’s Blog » Friday Fun Meme linked with [...] , Personal — Paladin @ 2:35 pm Today’s Friday Fun Meme, courtesy of the Sultan, of course, is Favorite Christmas Specials. Here we go, in no particular order (top 5): 1. Alber [...]
Saturday, December 10, 2025
FFM: Saturday Make-up Meme, Toons
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 4:26 pm

Yes, I have been lousy in keeping up with the Friday Fun Meme. However, an e-mail from John Hay of Pros and Cons suggests a make-up mean: favorite cartoons.

The goal here is to list favorite specific cartoon episodes.

FFM: Favorite Toons

1. Bugs, Daffy and Elmer: Rabbit Season/Duck Season!
2. Operation: Rabbit (Bugs and Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius).
3. Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century
4. One Froggy Evening (Michigan J. Frog).
5. Elmer Fudd/Bugs “Kill the Wabbit”

I excluded series in general (sticking to specific episodes) and holiday specials (I think I will save that for another meme).

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Stop The ACLU linked with Sunday Funnies
A Knight’s Blog » FFM, A Bit Late linked with [...] iled under: Culture, Personal, Television — Paladin @ 9:31 am On Saturday the Sultan picked up on a Friday Fun Meme which was started by John Hay at Pros and Cons. The topic is your f [...]
Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Sunday Funnies linked with [...] blogging. Protein Wisdom has a conversation overheard in a Ramadi bunker. Poliblogger has has some toons. Wizbang has another dumb criminal Ok, maybe I’m easily amused, but I really got tickled [...]
Friday, December 2, 2025
FFM: Food
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 12:58 pm

Ok, I have a few FFM ideas in the works, but nthing that really grabs my attention, so I will just continue I meme I found over at Accidental Verbosity.

The Preferred Food Meme

Which do you prefer:

03. COFFEE or TEA? (What, are you kidding me?).
05. PANCAKES or FRENCH TOAST? (And shouldn’t that be Freedom Toast?)
07. RICE or PASTA?
08. CAKE or PIE? (Mmmm, pie/
09. GROUND BEEF or GROUND TURKEY? (Ground turkey is a commie plot)
12. AMERICAN CHEESE or SWISS CHEESE? (If that makes me less of a patriot, so be it).
13. DIET SODA or NO SODA? (A sign of–five or so years ago it would have been “no soda”).
24. MAYONNAISE or KETCHUP? (depends on context–on my burger, mayo, on my fired, ketchup)
26. ONION or GARLIC? (What? I can’t have both?)
27. PLAIN BARBECUE or BARBECUE WITH SAUCE? (I’m sorry, but in Texas, barbeque means sauce–anything else s grillin’)
29. EGGS or EGG REPLACEMENTS? (Yeah, right)
37. HONEY or MAPLE SYRUP? (depends on context)

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bRight & Early » Food for Fun linked with [...] for Fun Posted by Jim Lynch under General | trackback uri I saw this over at PoliBlog on Friday. My answers are in bold. Which do you prefer: 01. CHEESE or CHOCOLATE? 02. BLUEBERRIES or [...]
A Knight’s Blog » Friday Fun Meme linked with [...] 4:05 pm Finally, the Sultan has gotten his act together again and fired up the Friday Fun Meme machine (sort of. This week he stole it — again). Anyway, here it is. The Preferred F [...]
Friday, November 11, 2025
FFM: Lines that Make me Smile
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 9:38 am

This week’s FFM challenge: name at least five lines (yes, I went a bit nuts) from TV/Movies that you always find amusing–maybe not laugh-out-loud funny, but that always amuse you.

FFM: Favorite Lines

(For extra-special fun, the sources of the lines are hidden below the fold).

No particular order:

1. “It’s made out of people!”

2. “He’s pinin’–for the fjord.”

3. “I do not think it means what you think it means.”

4. “I was aiming for his head”

5. “Thinking is so important”

6. “To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.”

7. “That’s just sad, Larry.”/”Larry, that’s just sad.”

8. “We are the Knights who say ‘ni!’”/”We are no longer…”/”A shrubbery!”

9. “Those aren’t pillows!”

10. “Hi, I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl”. (came to mind because of #7).


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Irrational Woman linked with Favorite Quotes
Friday, November 4, 2025
FFM: ‘The Average American’
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 8:39 am

Back by popular demand (ok, two people), the FFM returns from hiatus.

Friday Fun Meme: The Average American

According to the book The Average American , a majority of Americans do the following. How do you stake up to the list?

  • Eats peanut butter at least once a week (up and until recently this was true. Lately, however, not so much)
  • Prefers smooth peanut butter over chunky (most definitely)
  • Can name all Three Stooges (heck, I can add Shemp and Curly Joe–and I don’t even like the Stooges…)
  • Lives within a 20-minute drive of a Wal-Mart (Two, actually)
  • Eats at McDonald’s at least once a year (I have kids, so duh!)
  • Takes a shower for approximately 10.4 minutes a day (not that long-I figure closer to 5)
  • Never sings in the shower (who needs that?)
  • Lives in a house, not an apartment or condominium. (House)
  • Has a home valued between $100,000 and $300,000 (yup)
  • Has fired a gun (yup, but it’s been a while)
  • Is between 5 feet and 6 feet tall (6′2″+)
  • Weighs 135 to 205 pounds (eek–more like 210)
  • Is between the ages of 18 and 53 (37)
  • Believes gambling is an acceptable entertainment option (sure)
  • Grew up within 50 miles of current home (Not even)

Via Deb at AV and originally from Absinthe and Cookies.

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Irrational Woman linked with Am I An Average American?
Harshly Mellow linked with [...] 005 Because this cannot be considered a proper blog until it has been memed. From PoliBlog: Friday Fun Meme: The Average American According to the book The Average A [...]
A Knight’s Blog » Friday Fun Meme linked with [...] ent an e-mail to Steven Taylor demanding the reinstatement of the Friday Fun Meme. He has acquiesced. According to the book The Average American, a majority of Americans do the following. Here’ [...]
Friday, October 14, 2025
FFM: Banned Books
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 8:30 am

(This week’s FFM comes via Paul Brewer)

FFM: Banned Books

Which of the The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000 have you read?

Here’s my list, almost all of which I read in High School.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

We own these

Goosebumps (Series) by R.L. Stine (my son is reading some of these)
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl (my wife owns a copy from her teaching days, I think)
A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein

I read excerpts in a literature class once

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

We saw the movie, does that count?

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

And can someone explain to me why this is on the list?

Where’s Waldo? by Martin Hanford

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Unlocked Wordhoard linked with In Favor of Banning Books
Ut Humiliter Opinor linked with Banned Books Meme
Lifechanges ... Delayed linked with 100 Most Challenged Books Meme
The Yin Blog linked with The ALA's 100 most frequently challenged book list
Irrational Woman linked with Celebrate Freedom - Read a Banned Book
Friday, October 7, 2025
FFM: Bad Flicks
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 10:05 am

Let’s go pop culture this week, shall we?

I am using an old “Today’s List” as the basis of this week’s FFM:

The Worst Movies I Have Ever Seen

1. Howard the Duck. This one was so bad it that is the only movie I walked out on after paying for it. It was a George Lucas production, so I figured it would be good. Of course, that was back when I didn’t realize that Lucas wasn’t all he was cracked up to be.

It may be the worst movie I have ever seen.

2. Johnny Dangerously Rented this one when my wife and I were dating. So bad my Dad went to find something else to do and we turned it off soon thereafter. It was crude, odd and not funny.

3. Adventures in Babysitting. I remember we stayed and watched the whole thing. I remember it made little sense. Above all I never understood why the little girl was so enamored of the Marvel Comics version of Thor.

4. Mars Attacks. President Jack Nicholson’s line “Can’t we all just get along” was funny, but that was in the commerical. The rest of the movie flippin’ reeks.

5. Red Dawn. The absolute worst Cold War movie ever made. The take over of the US by the USSR/Cubans was silly–and the idea that a bunch of High School kids could fight back was utterly unbelievable. For some reason the only thing I directly remember is the Cuban General saying “Vaya con Dios” to someone. I don’t remember who–just that it was supposed to be really dramatic.

6. Tarzan. The Bo Derek one–man, that was one BORING movie.

(Dis)honorable mentions:

Worst Trek flick: Star Trek V–surely the worst Trek film ever made, although it beats watching a re-run of And the Children Shall Lead. Four words: “It’s me! It’s Sybok!” (’nuf said).

Worst Star Wars film: that’s a toughie, but I will go with The Phantom Menace–surely the worst of that set, although the other two prequels were pretty bad.

Worst Indiana Jones romp: The Temple of Doom–it just did not live up to the other two by a long shot.

Worst Bond movie: Is it even close? On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. George Lazenby replaces Sean Connery? You have got to be kidding me.

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Irrational Woman linked with Movies You'd Rather Forget
Friday, September 30, 2025
FFM: Favorite Words
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 4:47 pm

Here’s a straightforward FFM: Favorite Words (that you actually use)

Ten Favorite Words (That I Actually use on a Regular Basis)

1. ubiquitous (simply a cool word)

2. writ large (ok two words, but used together)

3. indeed (I was into “indeed” long before I knew what a Glenn Reynolds was–I think it is a Spock influence, in fact)

4. vis-a-vis

5. exigencies

6. cognizant

7. synergy (I’ve noticed I have been using this one a lot lately)

8. penultimate

9. albeit

10. Spiffy

Honorable mentions (words I like, but don’t necessarily use all the time):




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Irrational Woman linked with Fun words to say and use
Stop The ACLU » Blog Archive » Sunday Funnies linked with [...] . will be attending the slasherfest. Go check out the Bar of Argghhh! Poliblogger tells us their favorite words. The Cranky Neocon is asking for people to adopt him. We’ve already put in our bid [...]
Friday, September 23, 2025
FFM: Bloggers from the Past
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 7:29 am

Today’s Friday Fun Meme Challenge is based on a post I saw over at the Public Brewery a while back, wherein Paul suggested that Mark Twain probably would’ve been a great blogger.

So, here’s the challenge: name five people (or more) from the past whom you think would’ve been great bloggers. Bonus points if your list is thematic.

My list is Revolutionary Era Bloggers:

1. Benjamin Franklin. Clearly Poor Richard would’ve had a blog.

2. Alexander Hamilton. Not only was he a prolific writer, he was passionate and probably would’ve been the person on my list most likely to revel in the instantaneous nature of blogging–perhaps to his detriment at times.

3. Thomas Paine. Forget pamphlets, let’s go blogging!

4. John Adams/Abigail Adams. Certainly they both were prolific writers. They would have preferred the “personal journal” style of blogging, one would think.

5. Samuel Adams. Surely blogging would have been a fantastic forum for this Son of Liberty to decry the injustices foisted on the Colonies by the British.

6. Madison: I imagine his would be a more scholarly type of blog.

I will also say that there ain’t no way George Washington would’ve had a blog–too stoic/guarded for such public writing. Further, I can’t see Jefferson with a blog, as he seems to have preferred more deliberate writing–plus I don’t think his sensibilities would have allowed him to take the negative public feedback that can come with blogging.

So, whatcha got? Philosophers? Authors? Other politicians? Comedians?

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Overtaken by Events linked with Friday Meme (A Day Late)
» Bloggers from the past » Arguing with signposts… » Blog Archive linked with [...] loggers from the past Posted by Bryan S. under Blogging Following Poliblog’s Friday Fun Meme for this week: So, here’s the challenge: name five people (or more) from the past whom you [...]
Pros and Cons » Friday Meme linked with [...] ay Meme Posted by: John Hay @ 9:24 am Filed under: Blogosphere, Pros and Cons Poliblog has issued a meme challenge asking people to submit people of the past who would have been good blogg [...]
Friday, September 16, 2025
FFM: Official Sports Teams
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 6:20 am

Ok, I am trying to get back on track on the FFM, and this week is a borrowed meme.

FFM: Official Sports Teams of PoliBlog

Borrowing from The Yin Blog, this week’s FFM is What is Your Blog’s (or Your Personal) Official Sport Teams (and a Little Bit of “Why”)?

For PoliBlog they are as follows:

Pro Football: The Dallas Cowboys. I was born in Forth Worth and spent my early football-formative years with Roger Staubach’s Cowboys. I have been a fan ever since.

College Football:
The Texas Longhorns. I did my undergrad work at the University of California, Irvine (Go Anteaters!/Zot!)–which didn’t have a football team, but I was always partial to the Longhorns during my youth in Texas and given that I spent six and a half years at UT as a student and one year there as a Visiting Instructor, it is no surprise my blood runs burnt orange. I also pull for the Troy Trojans, but that’s a whole different kind of fandom, and a whole different level of football.

Pro Basketball: The San Antonio Spurs. When I was a lad, we never watched basketball in my house. For a while Dallas didn’t have a team, and when the NBA came to Dallas in the form of the Mavericks they, well, sucked. However, when we moved to SoCal when I was in High School, it was the Magic Johnson/Kareem Abdul-Jabar era for the Lakers, and I became a Laker fan until I moved back to Texas for grad school. Between the fact that Lakers I knew all started to retire, the fact that I didn’t get Laker games, and the fact that I did get Spurs games helped transform me into a Spurs fan. It was the David Robinson era, and so there was something there to like. I think that because basketball really was a sport of my youth, it made it easier to switch alliances.

Pro Baseball: The Texas Rangers. I am, at best, a lukewarm fan.

College Basketball, Baseball, Women’s Basketball: UT, just because, but I am hardly a hardcore fan. Let’s put it this way, the only itme I have ever watched a UT baseball game was when they were in the final game of the College World Series. And the only time I ever watched a women’s basketball game was when they were in the Championship game a while back.

Hockey: I am not a hockey fan (unlike my youngest sister), but I have actively rooted for the Dallas Stars in the past when they were in their Stanley Cup years. I even watched a number of games. When the NHL went on strike, I didn’t notice.

Soccer: As a Latin Americanist, I thought I ought to like soccer. So I once tried really, really hard to care about soccer. It didn’t work.

Teams I actively root against: The New York Yankees, the Oklahoma Sooners, the Texas A&M Aggies (although sometimes, if it will make the conference look good, I can tolerate them winning), the San Francisco 49ers, the Philadelphia Eagles, the Washington Redskins, and the New York Giants. And, I must admit, the Lakers of late (rivalry with SA, plus the whole Kobe things was annoying–so my transformation in that area has been complete, I suppose–with apologies to my brother). Also: any team ranked higher than Texas in the polls (or even those near Texas in the polls).

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Down deep in Texas: The View from Waco linked with FFM: Official Sports Teams of DDinT (On a Monday??
The Unusual Suspects linked with Friday Fun Meme! Official Sports Teams of The Unusual Suspects
Irrational Woman linked with Official Sprots Team?
Politics In Alabama linked with Official Sports Teams
A Knight’s Blog » Poliblog’s Friday Fun Meme linked with [...] rests, Sports — Scott Gosnell (Paladin) @ 7:43 am The Sultan is trying to get back in the FFM groove. This week’s meaningless but much-anticipated trivia: “What is Your B [...]
Saturday, September 10, 2025
Fun Meme Follow-up
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 2:59 pm

Here’s a follow-up to the FFM post below.

If I look at the year I graduated from college (1990, I only own two of the songs on the list, and on;t Tom Petty’s Free Fallin’ is one that I listen to with anty regularity (its on my MP3 player):

59. Something Happened On The Way To Heaven, Phil Collins
65. Free Fallin’, Tom Petty

If I do 1996, the year I completed grad school, the list of songs I have in some form is a bit longer:

3. Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion
13. Ironic, Alanis Morissette
18. It’s All Coming Back To Me Now, Celine Dion
39. Breakfast At Tiffany’s, Deep Blue Something
50. Time, Hootie and The Blowfish
76. As I Lay Me Down, Sophie B. Hawkins
99. Only Wanna Be With You, Hootie and The Blowfish

Certainly a longer list. Of course, I am not sure that it says much about 1990 v. 1996 except that in 1996 I was listening to far more pop radio than I was in 1990, when I essentially listenrd to none (which was largely true in 1986, for that matter).

Although, I will confess, my wife’s influence on CD buying/MP3 downloading is evident in some of these, tunes (especially Celine Dion), although I confess to liking all the tunes above, but none of them would make my Desert Island Playlist, except maybe Time by H&TBF–I have always really liked that song.

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FFM (Saturday Edition)
By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 12:27 pm

OK, yesterday and two weeks ago Friday, I simply got too busy to remember the FFM. Last Friday, in wake of Katrina, an FFM didn’t seem appropriate. However, since one reader noticed its absence, and I would hate to dissapoint (and because I enjoy the FFM), here’s this week’s Friday Fun Meme a day late (and I will eventually get back on track, hopefully next Friday).

This a borrowed meme via AWS, The Public Brewery, ASV and elsewhere, here’s the:

The Year I Graduated HS Top 1oo Meme:

I am going to alter the instructions slightly:

First, go here, then type the year you graduated from HS into the search bar.

Then, code the entries as follows:

  • Bold equals “I woudn’t automatically change the station if it came on the radio.
  • Strikethrough means “I might break my finger trying to change the station once I figured out which song it was.
  • Bolded Italics means “Not only would I turn it up, I own it on CD or as an MP3″
  • Do nothing to entries you don’t remember, or have no response to (and, I will grant, there are several I would put in the strikethrough category just by reading the song title and/or the artist, but since I don’t remember them, I left them alone).

    You may note overall favorites or other commentary at the bottom.

    1. That’s What Friends Are For, Dionne Warwick, Elton John, and Gladys Knight
    2. Say You, Say Me, Lionel Richie
    3. I Miss You, Klymaxx
    4. On My Own , Patti Labelle and Michael McDonald
    5. Broken Wings, Mr. Mister
    6. How Will I Know, Whitney Houston
    7. Party All The Time, Eddie Murphy
    8. Burning Heart, Survivor
    9. Kyrie, Mr. Mister
    10. Addicted To Love, Robert Palmer
    11. Greatest Love Of All, Whitney Houston
    12. Secret Lovers, Atlantic Starr
    13. Friends And Lovers, Carl Anderson and Gloria Loring
    14. Glory Of Love, Peter Cetera
    15. West End Girls, Pet Shop Boys
    16. There’ll Be Sad Songs, Billy Ocean
    17. Alive And Kicking, Simple Minds
    18. Never, Heart
    19. Kiss, Prince and The Revolution
    20. Higher Love, Steve Winwood
    21. Stuck With You, Huey Lewis and The News
    22. Holding Back The Years, Simply Red
    23. Sledgehammer, Peter Gabriel
    24. Sara, Starship
    25. Human, Human League
    26. I Can’t Wait, Nu Shooz
    27. Take My Breath Away, Berlin
    28. Rock Me Amadeus, Falco
    29. Papa Don’t Preach, Madonna
    30. You Give Love A Bad Name, Bon Jovi
    31. When The Going Gets Tough, Billy Ocean
    32. When I Think Of You, Janet Jackson
    33. These Dreams, Heart
    34. Don’t Forget Me (When I’m Gone), Glass Tiger
    35. Live To Tell, Madonna
    36. Mad About You, Belinda Carlisle
    37. Something About You, Level 42
    38. Venus, Bananarama
    39. Dancing On The Ceiling, Lionel Richie
    40. Conga, Miami Sound Machine
    41. True Colors, Cyndi Lauper
    42. Danger Zone, Kenny Loggins
    43. What Have You Done For Me Lately, Janet Jackson
    44. No One Is To Blame, Howard Jones
    45. Let’s Go All The Way, Sly Fox
    46. I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On, Robert Palmer
    47. Words Get In The Way, Miami Sound Machine
    48. Manic Monday, Bangles
    49. Walk Of Life, Dire Straits
    50. Amanda, Boston
    51. Two Of Hearts, Stacey Q
    52. Crush On You, Jets
    53. If You Leave, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
    54. Invisible Touch, Genesis
    55. The Sweetest Taboo, Sade
    56. What You Need, INXS
    57. Talk To Me, Stevie Nicks
    58. Nasty, Janet Jackson
    59. Take Me Home Tonight, Eddie Money
    60. We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off, Jermaine Stewart
    61. All Cried Out, Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam With Full Force
    62. Your Love, Outfield
    63. I’m Your Man, Wham!
    64. Perfect Way, Scritti Politti
    65. Living In America, James Brown
    66. R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A., John Cougar Mellencamp
    67. Who’s Johnny, El Debarge
    68. Word Up, Cameo
    69. Why Can’t This Be Love, Van Halen
    70. Silent Running, Mike and The Mechanics
    71. Typical Male, Tina Turner
    72. Small Town, John Cougar Mellencamp
    73. Tarzan Boy, Baltimora
    74. All I Need Is A Miracle, Mike and The Mechanics
    75. Sweet Freedom, Michael McDonald
    76. True Blue, Madonna
    77. Rumors, Timex Social Club
    78. Life In A Northern Town, Dream Academy
    79. Bad Boy, Miami Sound Machine
    80. Sleeping Bag, ZZ Top
    81. Tonight She Comes, Cars
    82. Love Touch, Rod Stewart
    83. A Love Bizarre, Sheila E.
    84. Throwing It All Away, Genesis
    85. Baby Love, Regina
    86. Election Day, Arcadia
    87. Nikita, Elton John
    88. Take Me Home, Phil Collins
    89. Walk This Way, Run-D.M.C.
    90. Sweet Love, Anita Baker
    91. Your Wildest Dreams, Moody Blues
    92. Spies Like Us, Paul McCartney
    93. Object Of My Desire, Starpoint
    94. Dreamtime, Daryl Hall
    95. Tender Love, Force M.D.’s
    96. King For A Day, Thompson Twins
    97. Love Will Conquer All, Lionel Richie
    98. A Different Corner, George Michael
    99. I’ll Be Over You, Toto
    100. Go Home, Stevie Wonder

    My personal favorites in the list are: Walk of Life by Dire Straits, Invisible Touch by Genesis, Take me Home by Phil Collins and These Dreams by Heart.

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    Jan's Reveries linked with Songs from 1989
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    Friday, August 19, 2025
    FFM: Favorite Blog Names
    By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 10:55 am

    Here’s this week’s Friday Fun Meme:


    There are some great blog names out there, and these are my favorites (in no particular order). I like evocative and/or clever names and these all fit the bill (indeed, I often wish I had conjured something less generic than “PoliBlog”).

    1. Toner Mishap. I like clever humor and I like self-deprecating humor. This title has both.

    2. Unlocked Wordhoard. It just sounds cool and well captures the essence of blogging.

    3. Signifying Nothing. As noted above, I like self-deprecating, and the literary reference angle is nice.

    4. Althouse. “Althouse” is simply a perfect last name for an eponymous blog (let’s face facts “Taylor” simply wouldn’t work). It also evokes a dual meaning (perhaps just to me) of “alternative house” i.e., that the blog is place where one might encounter alternative ideas or somesuch. it also makes me think of “Bauhaus“–why that matters, I couldn’t say, so back to the list.

    5. Arguing with Signposts. A fantastic name that also in evocative of what blogging often is all about.

    Honorable mentions:

    • Outside the Beltway (clever, works on several levels, and has the ability to be referred to via initials: OTB).
    • Political Animal (Given my admiration for Aristotle, I wish I had thought of this one).
    • Majikthise: As an HHG fan, I must confess, that’s the perfect name for a philosophy-based blog.
    • The Cranky Professor: I kind of wish I had thought of this one as well.

    Feel free to jump in. If you link from your own blog, note that inline trackbacks and pingbacks are now working, so as log as you send one, you’ll get a link below. Also: if your blog doesn’t have trackback capability, you can use the link below to send a manual trackback.

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    Friday, August 5, 2025
    FFM: Books I Couldn’t Finish
    By Dr. Steven Taylor @ 12:05 pm

    After a one week hiatus (I was to busy last Friday), the Friday Fun Meme returns.


    I am sure I could figure out 10, especially if I thought back to college text books, but these are the ones that leap to mind:

    1. Little, Big by John Crowley. I bought the book because Mel Gilden, author and co-host of a SciFi radio show, Hour25, swore it was the best fantasy book he had ever read since LOTR. I tried mightily to get through, and have kept it for over twenty years with the possibility that I would one day try again. Mostly it read like a plodding LSD trip.

    2. The Sword of Shanara. In High School I was always looking for the next LOTR and tried Sword. It struck me as too derivative and for some reason never caught my fancy. However, clearly many people disagree with me. Who knows, I might give it a try some day.

    3. Lord Foul’s Bane. I think I gave this one a try in early High School. For some reason I could not get past the first couple of pages. I can’t even remember what it was that turned me off. I may give a try again some day, as I found his Gap novels most impressive, even though there was a general lack of respectable characters and one has to wade through a brutal tale in the first novel.

    4. Battlefield Earth. I tried. I really, really tried. But several hundred pages into the book I just lost all enthusiasm. And consider: I was reading it as a Sophomore in High School right after we had moved from Texas to SoCal and I had yet to acquire any friends, so it wasn’t like I had anything else to do.

    5. The Day Lincoln was Shot. I had to read it for 8th grade American History. The first time I ever used Cliffs notes in lieu of completing a book.

    6. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. This one was for AP Literature when I was a senior in High School. That one really required Cliffs Notes. UGH.

    7. The Book of Lost Tales. As one might note from the above, I am huge Tolkien fan–and was especially such in Middle and High School. However, even my hard-core Tolkienness could not get me to actually read all of the drafts and notes in the BoLT. I own it and several other of the edited volumes that Christopher Tolkien put put out (but not all of them). I have skimmed through them, but have never read them.

    Feel free to jump in. If you link from your own blog, note that inline trackbacks and pingbacks are now working, so as log as you send one, you’ll get a link below. Also: if your blog doesn’t have trackback capability, you can use the link below to send a manual trackback.

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    The Kudzu Files linked with Books I Couldn’t Finish
    Arguing with signposts… » My Tolkien confession linked with [...] Dr. Taylor: Books you know you should read that you can’t seem to finish. Oh, wait. It already has been. | Trackbacks (0) [...]
    The Bemusement Park » VENI, LEGI, CONCIDI linked with [...]"> 8/5/2005 VENI, LEGI, CONCIDI From Steven Taylor comes his Friday Fun Meme: ‘Books I Couldn’t Finish.’ Forthwith, here are mine: The Lord of the [...]


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