Friday, May 30, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Ok, it is a Texas boot (from the Lufkin Daily News), but interesting nonetheless. Says Marc Masferrer, Editor of the paper:

Until she explains to our satisfaction her own ethical transgression — an apparently deliberate distortion of a comment by President Bush — you will not find the work of Times columnist Maureen Dowd on this page.


The whole thing is a shame, as even though she really annoys me, I actually kind of like Dowd. She can be witty, although she far too often takes cute and clever to mean analytical and penetrating. Indeed, it s a shame in general that the NYT’s leadership has allowed the paper to become this tarnished. It is an excellent example of journalistic hurbis.

Hat tip on the Lufkin story to Venemous Kate at Electric Venom

And for those who care, Lufkin is in East Texas, south of Nacogdoches).

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