Thursday, December 1, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

It seems illogical and anti-American that certain persons, because of an abundance of melanin, should have to surrender seats on public transportation to those who are amongst the melanin-deprived.

Yet, nonetheless, fifty years ago today, Rosa Parks was arrested for failing to surrender a bus seat to a white man (she being of darker hue).

So often one looks back and has to ask: what were we thinking? More unfortunately, we often have to ask what some of our fellow citizens still think.

There will be a march in downtown Montgomery to commemorate the day.

Also: Rosa Parks building named today in Detroit.

And remember: more than simple commemorating a single act, or even a specific person, noting this anniversary should remind of us where we were, how far we have come, and lso where we may yet need to go in assuring that we remember we are all human beings, equal in our rights and value.

More on the anniversary:

From the Birmingham News: Boycott’s unsung heroes finally heard.

From the BBC “On This Day” file: 1955: Black woman challenges race law

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5 Responses to “Fifty Years Later”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jan Says:

      As my professor in my Slave History (aka Diplomatic History) class likes to point out, it was a stuggle that started long before Rosa Parks. Not that she doesn’t deserve credit, because she does, but it had been a long hard fight and, unfortunately, there are still more battles to be faught.

      It is amazing what evils supposedly rational enlightened individuals can do isn’t it?

    2. Fruits and Votes » Blog Archive » Remembering the courage of Rosa Parks Says:

      [...] a bus to someone who just happened to be of the more privileged skin color. Recommended: Poliblog’s post this morning. Block where planted: Politics (general) Pro [...]

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Granted: many watershed events in history had substantial build-up to them. Still, we tend to celebrate that moment in terms of commemoration.

      And who ever said that rationality would lead to a specific moral conclusion? I still think you think that rationality means something different that it does.

    4. Arguing with signposts... Says:

      An eternal question

      Dr. Taylor notes the anniversary of Rosa Parks’ courageous stand against racism with this question for the ages:
      So often one looks back and has to ask: what were we thinking? More unfortunately, we often have to ask what some of our fellow citizens …

    5. bryan Says:

      My trackbacks never seem to work anymore here.

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