Friday, March 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP/NYT: Iran Tests Missile Able to Avoid Radar

Iran on Friday successfully test-fired a missile that can avoid radar and hit several targets simultaneously, the airforce chief of the elite Revolutionary Guards said.

”Today, a remarkable goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s defence forces was realized with the successful test-firing of a new missile with greater technical and tactical capabilities than those previously produced,” Gen. Hossein Salami said on state-run television.


”This missile can simultaneously hit several targets, has near stealth capabilities with a high maneuverability, pinpoint accuracy and radar avoidance features,” Salami said.

Of course, that seems an odd topic for a press conference, leading me to wonder as to the degree to which Iran has such a weapon, or whether Iran has simply announced that it has such a weapon.

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3 Responses to “Not the Headline One Wants to Start One’s Day…”

  • el
  • pt
    1. The Florida Masochist Says:

      Truth or Bluff?

      I see a crisis brewing in the Middle East and my fear is the butcher bill will be worse than anything ever before in human history. God help us all.

    2. Gary and the Samoyeds Says:

      I don’t believe the claim. I don’t think Iran has the precision manufacturing ability to make a true low-observable (which is not invisible by any means) IRBM. As for the MIRV claim, it’s more like to mean Multiple Inaccurate Reentry Vehicles.

      Of course, if they ElBaradi and the UN stall long enough that they complete their Manhattan Project, accuracy doesn’t matter much.

    3. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » A National Inferiority Complex on Display Says:

      [...] ever the Iranians have made some sort of announcement (like the one a few weeks back about alleged stealth missiles), I have been struck with the fact that it is clear that the Iranian regime is suffer [...]

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