Saturday, April 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Writes Len Pasquarelli at Snubbing Bush a Texans-size blunder.

That certainly seems to sum it up.

It seems obvious that Bush automatically would have automatically improved the Texans’ offense and special teams, yet there is no commensurate guarantee that Williams will so improve the defense.

An odd move–especially if Pasquarelli’s reporting is accurate and this had nothing to do with the house situation nor with dollars/signability.

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3 Responses to “More on the Williams Pick”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Steven L. Says:

      The Texans really didn’t need either guy as much as they need multiple players – like a whole offensive line.

      If they could have done it, I think they should have traded their no. 1 pick for sheer *numbers*. they don’t need a star, they need a team.

    2. The Florida Masochist Says:

      That is an understatement

      Undistinguished? Bust is the correct word for both Bosa and Kumerow. Lets hope Miami doesn’t repeat those draft experiences.

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Steven L.:

      Ye hath a pointe.

      Still, I do think Bush is likely to be a very special player, worth taking. If they were going to take Williams as they did, I would agree–trade for the numbers.

      Their team stinketh, to be sure.

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