The PoliBlog

The Collective
Tuesday, March 6, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the AP: Brazil Bishop Lorscheiter dies at 79

Bishop Ivo Lorscheiter, a prominent critic of Brazil’s former military regime who also squared off with the Vatican over his progressive beliefs, died Monday, the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops said. He was 79.


Lorscheiter was one of the leading advocates of liberation theology, which promotes social, political and economic awareness among the poor. He was often at odds with the Vatican, which for years has said there is no place in the church for the mixing of politics and religion.

Lorscheiter was also a harsh critic of the armed forces who ruled Brazil between 1964-1985, denouncing human rights violations against political opponents. “It was my duty as a Christian to defend human rights,” he once told reporters.

May he rest in peace.

h/t: Bill Jempty via e-mail.

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