Via the Troy Messenger, Troy international student dies
A Troy University student from Nepal who was injured in an automobile accident Friday, March 2, died Saturday, March 10, at Baptist South Hospital in Montgomery, according to university officials.The student, Binod Dumre, died from head injuries suffered in the accident.
Three other students from Nepal who were involved in the accident - Rovshan Mirzayev, Nirmala Subedi, and Deepak Rathi - were still under the care of Baptist Hospital as of Saturday.
The wreck Dumre was involved in was one of three recent wrecks involving Troy students.
In an interview earlier this week Herbert Reeves, dean of Student Services at Troy, said, “Initially, we received a call from ISCO advisor Dr. Richard Nokes. When we verified that the wreck had indeed occurred, we sent some people to the hospital.”
On their way to the hospital on Saturday, the Troy group came across a second wreck on U.S. 231, just south of Montgomery, involving five other international students.
Involved in this second wreck were Santosh Onta, Sudhir Pokhrel, Anand Pradhan, Balbinod Bhaila and Digambar Sharma.
All students involved in the second accident have been released from the hospital.
A third wreck also occurred on Saturday involving two more international students.
It occurred when Grisa Pradhan and Deepika Thakur hit the tow-truck they had been following while they were looking at their friend’s wreck.
Fortunately, they were not injured in the wreck and didn’t need to be taken to the hospital.
Very sad–and tragic to travel half-way around the world to study, only to die in car wreck. Hopefully the others will recover.
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Pingback by American Hospital Directory » A Troy University Tragedy — Sunday, March 11, 2025 @ 9:55 pm
do anyone know any condition about nirmala subedi now
Comment by ashish tiwari — Thursday, March 15, 2025 @ 3:47 am