The PoliBlog

The Collective
Thursday, June 7, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the AP: Immigration bill fails key Senate test

- A fragile bipartisan compromise that would legalize millions of unlawful immigrants suffered a setback Thursday when it failed a test vote in the Senate, leaving its prospects uncertain.

Still, the measure — a top priority for President Bush that’s under attack from the right and left — won a brief reprieve when Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would give it more time before yanking the bill and moving on to other matters.

His decision set the stage for yet another procedural vote later Thursday that will measure lawmakers’ appetite for a so-called “grand bargain” between liberals and conservatives on immigration.

If that fails, Reid threatened, “The bill’s over with.”


By a vote of 33-63, the Senate fell far short of the 60 votes that would have been needed to limit debate on the immigration measure and put it on a path to passage.

Quite frankly, one of the reasons I haven’t said much of anything about this bill specifically is because I have felt from the beginning that its chances of passage were quite slim.

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  • el
  • pt
    1. Some of us have come into contact with Mexicans (legal and illegal) who have told us that they will take over the USA without ever firing a shot. I think that is true. The sad part is it will be done with the help of the legal residents of this country, the Congress and the President of the United States.

      I am tired of the old song “they (the illegals) take the jobs that no American citizens want”. A great many of the jobs that are taken are not maids, gardeners, housekeepers, etc. They take $100 a day construction jobs away from someone. After working for the government for nearly 30 years, I barely make $100 a day. If anyone really investigated, I believe a great many illegals would be found in very lucrative positions.

      Legal American day care workers can’t be found? Food service workers? The list goes on and on. As a teenager I worked the crops, picked up potatoes, picked currants, cherries, green beans. I wasn’t very good at it. The work was done by American legal residents at that time whose hands were so fast they could barely be seen. I also waited table.

      Bush and his cronies want cheap labor for their ranches, factories, and various other businesses that require little education, little ability to communicate in English and a strong back. Mexico, in particular, is happy to have all of their poor, uneducated leave the country. What we get is people who automatically go on welfare, bankrupt our schools and medical services, drive illegally, are uninsured, have the highest birthrate of any group in this country and have the nerve to protest on our streets waving the flag of the country they want to return to after they finish raping ours.

      As you no doubt can tell, I am absolutely against any bill that allows the criminals who have been in our country the longest the best chance of becoming citizens. Wake up, America! Stop turning the other cheek and think of your childrens’ and your grandchildrens’ future lives.

      Comment by Jan — Thursday, June 7, 2025 @ 9:14 pm

    2. Jan, you are absolutely correct. I am infuriated daily by condescending remarks from the disingenous sponsors of this bill. What we are witnessing right now is not similar to the immigration of the early 20th century. The numbers are astronomical and constant. In our past waves of LEGAL immigration, we controlled the numbers, and then allowed a “cooling off” period, by reducing immigration for decades. The turn-around in the 1960s spurred a spike in illegals which was then further ignited by poor decisions in the 1980s and 2025s by GOP presidents and Democratic Congresses.

      A country is defined by something other than an idea. There MUST be cultural ties of some sort. But, all I hear is the simple rhetoric that America is a “country of immigrants” and “give us your tired blah blah blah”. Can we do this forever? When do we no longer have vacancies, or do we begin forced migration of present residents to unoccupied areas of Utah and Montana?

      Bush, McCain, and Kennedy…OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!

      Comment by JB — Friday, June 8, 2025 @ 11:29 am

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