Given that the ultimate issue after tonight is whether or not Romney has a real chance of overtaking McCain going forward, the Huckabee wins are almost as damaging to Romney as are the McCain victories. Since it is highly unlikely that Huckabee will emerge from tonight as a serious contender for the nomination (a few regional wins will not achieve that feat), Huckabee wins don’t really harm McCain. However every single loss for Romney is one more nail in his electoral coffin.
So far, Romney’s only victory has been the wholly predictable Massachusetts win.
Even the states currently (as of 8:03 central) too close call (i.e., Missouri and Oklahoma) are between McCain and Huckabee, with Romney likely coming in third.
Romney, so far, has only been able to win in states he has called home (MI and MA) and in minor states with caucuses (NY, NV and ME). Not the stuff upon which one can build a long-term victory strategy upon.
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Live Blogging Super Tuesday
6:40 PM: Steven Taylor's take on the night so far: Given that the ultimate issue after tonight is whether or not Romney has a real chance of overtaking McCain going forward, the Huckabee wins are almost as damaging to Romney as are the McCain vict…
Trackback by — Tuesday, February 5, 2025 @ 8:41 pm
Dude, the Ron Paul REVOLution is going to leave ALL of these guys in the dust! Just as soon as we collect a few million more in endorsement money . . .
(BTW, Romney’s margin of victory in “his” state is pretty pathetic, last I looked. Hell, the Huckster at least broke 60% in Arkansas.)
Comment by Jim Henley — Tuesday, February 5, 2025 @ 9:05 pm
No, man, don’t you get it? The Man and the Media are keeping Dr. Paul down!
If they weren’t so negative about him losing and stuff, he’d be winning!!
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Tuesday, February 5, 2025 @ 9:23 pm
Romney has carried Utah now, which is another Romney “home” state. Again, not good for the Mittster. I’m for Huckabee and then McCain, so I’m liking these results so far.
Comment by B. Minich — Tuesday, February 5, 2025 @ 9:33 pm
[...] NPR has graphic feedback here. Poliblogger, here, here (echoes of Henry Clay’s “Corrupt Bargain” with Van Buren), here (ignoring yesterday’s widely ignored Romney win in “the mighty Maine Caucuses” - yes, even I am grinning a little), here and here (in chronological order). Mark Steyn is almost painfully detatched, what with not being an American and all. [...]
Pingback by Pros and Cons » Election Results — Tuesday, February 5, 2025 @ 10:26 pm
Huckabee and Romney need to go ahead and throw in the towel now - if they truly want a Republican in the white house. They have no chance now, and would be better to pull out, endorse McCain, and let Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama tear each other apart for another couple months.
If I was a Republican, that’s what I’d want to see.
Comment by Captain D. — Wednesday, February 6, 2025 @ 3:31 pm