Friday, October 28, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via AP: George Takei Discloses His Homosexuality

George Takei, who as helmsman Sulu steered the Starship Enterprise through three television seasons and six movies, has come out as a homosexual in the current issue of Frontiers, a biweekly Los Angeles magazine covering the gay and lesbian community.


The 68-year-old actor said he and his partner, Brad Altman, have been together for 18 years.

Takei, a Japanese-American who lived in a U.S. internment camp from age 4 to 8, said he grew up feeling ashamed of his ethnicity and sexuality. He likened prejudice against gays to racial segregation.

It is interesting to note that such a revelation is hardly a big deal these days, but clearly would have damaged, if not wrecked, Takei’s career early on.

I think James Joyner’s comment earlier in the week about another celebrity “outing” is indicative of the general reaction to these types of announcements:

Frankly, I’m more shocked that the WNBA is still around than I am that Swopes is a lesbian.


Now, I will grant, there will be individuals who react quite negatively, but certainly in terms of the general reaction to the entertainment industry, Takei’s public statements about his sexual orientation will not raise many eyebrows. For that matter I have seen rumors to the effect that he was gay for some time–and, as Joyner notes in a post on Takei

Clearly, given that he has been with Altman for longer than most married couples, his orientation has been an open secret among those who knew him for quite some time.

Now, of course, there are areas, such as male sports, where such outings would generate profound reactions.

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3 Responses to “Takei Out of the Closet”

  • el
  • pt
    1. KipEsquire Says:

      There’s a huge difference between “everyone knows” and “he told everyone.” Case in point: Ed Koch.

      P.S. It was also an “open secret” that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      I never said “everyone know” and you are, of course, correct.

    3. c.v. Says:

      I though these comments were directed to the whole George Takei is gay, but I guess not. My only comment is that the WNBA is scary.

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