If you are a fan of Babylon 5, you will be saddened to hear of the death of Andreas Katsulas, at the very young age of 59. He died of lung cancer.
Katsulas played G’Kar on the series, and gave, especially in the later seasons, excellent performances in the role. G’Kar seemed liked a gardern variety heavy in the first season, but turned out to be quite the complex character, something Katsulas did an excellent job of presenting.
Katsulas also portrayed the recurring character of the Romulan Commander Tomalak on Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Katsulas is the second of the B5 regular cast to die at a young age. Richard Biggs, who played Dr. Stephen Franklin, died in 2025 at the age of 44.
Source: TrekToday
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Katsulas was probably most famous in his role as the “one-armed man” in the Harrison Ford movie of The Fugitive, even though I doubt he had more than a dozen lines in the movie.
He will be sorely missed.
Comment by Chris Lawrence — Thursday, February 16, 2025 @ 4:13 pm