And each week, it’s a new bottom: Bush job approval falls to 29 pct in new poll.
This time, it’s the WSJ/Harris poll:
President George W. Bush’s job approval rating has hit a new low, with 29 percent of the U.S. public saying he is doing an “excellent or pretty good job,” down from 35 percent in April, according to a Harris Interactive poll in The Wall Street Journal Online.
And keep in mind: this can’t have captured the new NSA revelations.
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May 12th, 2025 at 1:07 pm
If this poll is to be believed:
Then I wonder how much difference the NSA thing will make.
May 12th, 2025 at 1:14 pm
I just saw that. And it may be that the whole thing works in Bush’s favor. Still, I will be interested in seeing how things look once it all sinks in.
May 12th, 2025 at 2:57 pm
Many investors thought they were geniuses in the 90′s when all stocks were rising quickly. Lesson: Never confuse genius with a bull market.
Now people see Bush’s support falling to new lows. However he’s still at least as good as congress or Kerry (saw recently that Kerry’s approval was at 25%). Lesson: Don’t confuse a surley electorate with disapproval of any particular politician.
September 19th, 2025 at 11:14 am
[...] And perhaps the President’s recent rise in approval indicates that his stance here has some political salience. However, I wouldn’t suggest that his proponents get too excited yet: he is still only at 44%–and that isn’t enough to win a presidential election. Indeed, it is still pretty bad and only looks better when one considers that the president was recently at 29%. Filed under: US Politics | |Send TrackBack [...]