Sunday, February 29, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Hussein’s Regime Skimmed Billions From Aid Program

They abused the oil for food program! They violated UN rules! They accepted bribes!

Who’da thunk it?

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Saturday, February 28, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Thank Goodness.

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By Steven Taylor

In addition to the ballot initiatives in CA, Tuesayd also contains the GOP senatorial primary which will determine who will challenge Barbara Boxer:

the GOP Senate primary pits former Secretary of State Bill Jones against attorney and former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian, businesswoman Toni Casey and former U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marin.

Recent polls show Jones as the front-runner, but the biggest share of likely voters said only a week ago they still had not made up their minds –41 percent as measured by the California Field Poll.

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By Steven Taylor

From Newsweek:

“Martin Luther King Jr. suffered from infidelity, so did John F. Kennedy. You’re more likely to find great leadership coming from a man who likes to have sex with a lot of women.” Actor Ethan Hawke, who split with wife Uma Thurman amid allegations of infidelity, on attributes of great leaders

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By Steven Taylor

Schwarzenegger in Final $15 Billion Charm Offensive

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By Steven Taylor

-Toast: It’s not Just for Breakfast Anymore!-

The Toast-o-meter: A Weekly News Round-Up and Handicapping of the Race for the Democratic Nomination.

The Toast-O-Meter comes to you Fortified with linkage and Enhanced with bloggage.

It’s the “Change is Coming” Edition of the Toast-O-Meter, because, let’s face facts, Kerry is going to have a HUGH Snoozer Tuesday and Edwards, who may still try to limp to Southern Tuesday, is going to be burnt toast for sure after this week.

The scale:

  • Wonder Bread (The nomination is in reach)
  • Just Plain Ol’ White Bread (Still in the race; has a shot)
  • Toast (Pretty much done—a little scraping might make you look like bread, but you’re done)
  • Burnt Toast (Really, really done)
  • Burnt all the Way Through (Why are you still in the race?)
  • Crumbs in the Bottom of the Toaster (Why did you ever get in the race in the first place?)

    Potential Movements each Week:

  • Dough is on the Rise
  • Heat’s Off This Week
  • The heat is on.
  • Got Scraped a Bit
  • Getting Darker

    The Whole Loaf: Can any of the Four make Bush into Texas Toast?

  • el
  • pt
  • According to Zogby International, Bush’s approval numbers have edged up a tad to 51%.
  • Bush focuses on raising campaign cash
  • Of course, the big issue of the week is the FMA and there is plenty to read about that (just go here and scroll down).

    Slicing up this Week’s Contests

    Super, or Snoozer? Well, let’s be direct: zzzzzzzzzzz.

    And when am I going to get an apology from all those folks who argued that a brokered convention could really happen?

    Tuesday brings us the following contests:

    New York
    Rhode Island

    Of these only Maryland and Georgia appear to be competitive. Although the latest numbers from Georgia and Maryland suggest that it might be Sweeper Tuesday.

    Dave Wissing’s The Hedgehog Report has all the polling.

    And if Snoozer Tuesday doesn’t exhaust your need for political entertainment, don’t forget the March 8th contest in American Samoa (which is so important that I can’t confirm if it is a caucus or a primary, even from the DNC homepage).

    There are some stories worth noting, however:

  • CA has some important Ballot Initiatives that will be decided. Some more good info here.
  • Electronic Vote Faces Big Test of Its Security
    Millions of voters in 10 states will cast ballots on Tuesday in the single biggest test so far of new touchscreen voting machines that have been billed as one of the best answers to the Florida election debacle of 2025. But many computer security experts worry that the machines could allow democracy to be hacked.

    Here in Georgia, along with Maryland and California, an estimated six million people will be using machines from Diebold Election Systems, which has been the focus of the biggest controversy.



    Let’s face facts: Kerry’s the nominee. Get your NoDoze now, it’s gonna be a loooong eight months.

  • Edwards is West Coast Toast: Kerry has big lead among state voters
    One week before California’s presidential primary election, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry holds a commanding lead — 60 percent to 19 percent — over North Carolina Sen. John Edwards among likely voters, a poll released today shows.

  • The NYT issued A Primary Endorsement in Kerry’s favor. Robert Tagorda Kerry’s Benedict Arnold Money.
  • Slate’s Fred Kaplan provides John Kerry’s Defense Defense – Setting his voting record straight. (Hat Tip: Dean’s World)
  • The NYT reviews the Kerry of the esrly 1970′s:In ’71 Antiwar Words, a Complex View of Kerry.
  • This week Kerry Hits Foreign Policy in a speech at UCLA. From the WaPo write-up it sound a lot like: “Bush is bad at foreign policy, and I will be better” with a few red-meat sound bites thrown in.
  • And, in case you missed it: Kerry’s House of Ketchup #1.



    While I expect Edwards will probably hang on until the 9th, he has to know in his heart of hearts that he is as toasty as toast can be.

  • Ya think? Edwards Says He’ll Stay in Past Tuesday. And the headine brings to mind something my mother used to say: “If wishes were horses, beggers would ride.”
  • Things you don’t want to hear if you are a canidate: Edwards not a slam-dunk favorite in home state of N.C. (just ask Gore…).
  • James Joyner notes thatEdwards Could Win . . . Georgia and The Political Wire reports that Martyland could be competitive.
  • Says Baltimore Sun columnist Steve Chapman: Slippery views make it hard to get a handle on John Edwards.
  • Edwards’ strategy in Ohio: It’s the economy.
  • Just keep repeating that to yourself, John: Edwards Says Democratic Race Is Not Over .
  • Professor Bainbridge also weighs in on John Edwards’ profession and its effects on jobs.
  • USAT has a profile on Edwards: Edwards: Keeps it simple, energetic and to-the-point. Read the profiles while you can–they won’t be around much longer. (Hat tip: the Political Wire)

    THE CRUMB PILE (a.k.a., “Comic Relief”)

    There has been an increasing number of stories that simply lump Sharpton and Kucinich together:

  • Democrats Kucinich, Sharpton in Race for Long Haul

  • The Chicago Tribune has a question for the Crumb Pile: Why?

    Kucinich: Crumbs at the bottom of the toaster

  • Well, he did come in second in Hawaii!

    Sharpton: Crumbs at the bottom of the toaster

  • No doubt he’ll be thrilled to speak to Rev. Al: Al Sharpton Plans to Meet Haitian Leader. Al’s “Be Like Jesse” Tour continues.


  • The headline every candidates longs for: Convicted Felon Running in Democratic Primary.
  • Imagine that: Lyndon LaRouche Criticizes Utah.


    Evan Bayh: Robert Novak suggests that Indiana Senator Evan Bayh might be a possible selection for Kerry. The reason is that Bayh has a high rating from the American Conservative Union (at least for a Democrat).



    Even from outside the loaf, Dean still remains a topic of discussion. For example:

  • Kerry, Edwards Target Dean Supporters.
  • Dean, Ex-Aide Movements Confuse Backers.
  • Ex-US candidate Dean unveils outline of new political group.
  • Howard Dean Supporters Still Campaigning.


  • Nader is back to spoil an election.
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  • By Steven Taylor

    My thanks for all the well0wishes concerning my announcement of yesterday.

    And Professor Bainbridge rightly notes the following:

    a senior colleague told me that getting tenure didn’t change anything in your life except that you stopped thinking about tenure. I didn’t believe him, but it turned out to be true. If you’re internalized the norms of teaching and scholarship, you don’t change what you do. You just keep teaching and writing.

    Indeed. Plus, now there’s Full Professor to work towards! However, not having to worry about tenure is huge in its own right, to be sure.

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    By Steven Taylor

    Someone, please buy the premium blogad spot over at Outside the Beltway. Not only would James appreciate it, but I wouldn’t have to see Jacko’s face everytime I surf over.

    I mean, please, I often eat while I blog…

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    Friday, February 27, 2025
    By Steven Taylor

    The Rooftop Report notes a story from The which suggests that Bush could give his convention acceptance speech from Ground Zero.

    This strikes me as a very bad idea.

    First the cruise ship flap and now this? Surely the convention planners are a tad brighter than this?

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    By Steven Taylor

    Poll: Most March 2 Voters Uninformed

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