Diane West has an interesting column in WaTi about Howard Dean. And here’s a rather interesting tidbit that I was unaware of:
And speaking of controversial issues, is the Democratic Party ready to unite behind a leader who, as a med student, performed his ob-gyn rotation at a Planned Parenthood clinic? Vermont magazine reported on this in 1998, adding: “While he has never performed an abortion himself, he is strongly pro-choice and certainly understands the medical procedures involved.” This rates as the medical equivalent of not inhaling.The question is, why didn’t Dr. Dean, at one time on the board of Planned Parenthood, ever perform an abortion? And how does Dr. Dean, who is also an opponent of parental notification, explain Vermont’s status as one of a handful of states in which abortions may be performed by non-doctors? In 1998–the last year the state released data–183 girls under the age of 18 had abortions, more than half of them performed by non-doctors: Morality aside, is this even the healthiest option?
I am surprised that this is first time I have heard of his direct relationship with Planned Parenthood–and certainly one which would be quite an issue in a general election campaign. And I’m with West–the morality of the issue aside for the moment–who thinks it is a good idea to let non-Doctors perform abortions?
Holy misleading information Batman! Read This
1)Is that midwives*, physician assistants** and nurse practitioners often provide primary care during pregancies. In fact, during my pregnancy (via the Military health care system) my care was primarily overseen by a midwife, and I didn’t even see a doctor until I had complications.
2)All care that is given by these non-doctors as you call them is overseen by a licensed physician. So even though a doctor per se isn’t in the room, a doctor does consult on your case.
3)All of these professionals did recieve additional training. For example to typically become a Nurse Practitioner, one typically gets the equivalent of a Master’s degree with clinical. Physician Assistants and nurse midwives have similar training, undergrad with some of advanced training and clinical.
*Licensed nurse midwives
**To find out what a PA is, Duke has one of the best physician assistant programs in the country.
Comment by joy — Saturday, June 28, 2025 @ 10:20 am
Yes, but an abortion is surgical procedure, which is a different issue. Indeed, it is the exact opposite of pre-natal care.
I am not suggesting that there is anything wrong with PA or licensed midwives–my wife saw both during two of her three pregnancies (although I would not have wanted them to exclusively do the deliveries, given her complications in the first two, and especially since the third was a scheduled c-section).
Comment by Steven — Saturday, June 28, 2025 @ 10:33 am
An abortion by any name, is still simpley murdering an unborn child; who had no CHOICE in the matter. The God of Dr. Dean opposes it. He better get his ducks in a row before he comes to the South with his lies.
Comment by Ken Gilledge — Sunday, January 4, 2025 @ 7:22 am
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 12:58 pm