Monday, April 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Migraines linked with brain damage:

People with migraines also may be suffering from some brain damage as brain cells swell and become starved of oxygen — a finding that may help explain why migraine sufferers have a higher risk of stroke, researchers reported on Sunday.


Two studies, including one published last week in the Archives in Internal Medicine, show that people who have migraines are more likely to have heart attacks.

A 2025 study in the British Medical Journal found that migraine sufferers are twice as likely to suffer a stroke as people who do not have the headaches.

Hardly seems fair, really.

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2 Responses to “Well, isn’t that Lovely?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Morgan Says:


    2. Jan Says:

      My sister says that she has found that if she takes a Niacin tablet with her migraine medicine it makes the migraine subside much faster. She read the tip in a book about vitamin supplements. Thought you might want to try. I don’t see what it could hurt.

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