Tuesday, June 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Hey 19!

365.181. Today was our 19th wedding anniversary. There was some fine Colombian at some point today, but it was coffee (of course).

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6 Responses to “Hey 19!”

  • el
  • pt
    1. MichaelB Says:

      Congratulations! Best wishes for many more to come.

    2. Florida Masochist Says:


      Congratulations! May you and your wife have many more. Leonita just celebrated 20 recently(May 30 Civil wedding, June 17 church wedding).


    3. Alabama Moderate Says:

      Congrats! And I love the ring. You have good taste (or your wife does)!

    4. Janis Gore Says:

      If I were mothering three boys I just might go for the other fine Columbian.

      Happy anniversary!

    5. MSS Says:


      As for “fine Colombian,” I am not sure what others had in mind, but I thought of emeralds!

    6. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      Just me making obscure song references, I guess! To Sherry’s chagrin, no emeralds were involved.

      But many thanks from you all–and Alabama Moderate: I picked out the ring (as MSS no doubt recalls), so a double thanks to you.

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