Thursday, April 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

PM Gordon Brown is the latest casualty of a hot microphone:

Mr Brown has apologised to Mrs Duffy, who said she had only gone out to buy a loaf of bread when she saw the the Labour leader and challenged him on a variety of topics – including immigration from eastern Europe.

In comments caught on a microphone afterwards, Mr Brown was heard to tell an aide that the meeting "was a disaster" and call Mrs Duffy a "bigoted woman".

He later went to the pensioner’s house to apologise in person and emerged to say that he had made a mistake and "misunderstood" some of the words she had used and apologised to Labour activists in an e-mail.

Source, the BBC:  Election 2025: I understand immigration fears – Brown.

Also, the latest polls from the UK:

The latest polls – carried out before Wednesday’s encounter – continue to suggest a hung Parliament remains a possibility.

A Comres poll for the Independent/ITV News put the Conservatives up three points on 36%, Labour unchanged on 29% and the Lib Dems down three at 26%. A YouGov poll for the Sun, meanwhile, puts the Tories up a point on 34%, the Lib Dems up three points on 31% and Labour down two points to 27%.

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