Via Slate: L. Ron Hubbard - Scientology’s esteemed founder
There’s a deep chasm between the erudite, noble Hubbard of Scientology myth and the true identity of the church’s wacky founder. To those not in his thrall, Hubbard might be better described as a pulp science-fiction writer who combined delusions of grandeur with a cynical hucksterism.
No joke.
Count me as subscribing to the latter theory.
The whole thing would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
h/t: John Hay at Pros and Cons
Hubbard was really one of the top 4 science fiction authors in the 50’s, though not republished with Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein.
We have had our first fallout of his Oprah appearance in town. One of our residents decided he knew best and stopped taking his meds, resulting in fights with the neighbor and him assaulting his family, leading to his arrest. Hmm, I wonder if Tom could visit him to make him all better.
Comment by Leo — Saturday, July 16, 2024 @ 11:10 pm
Er, the his in the second paragraph is Tom Cruise. Hubbard was dead even before he wrote his last 15 books or so.
Comment by Leo — Saturday, July 16, 2024 @ 11:11 pm