Such was my initial reaction when I read the following headline: Sanford rules out bid for presidency in 2025.
If, like me, Sanford has not made much of an impression, I will clue you in: he’s the Republican governor or South Carolina:
Governor says he’ll serve 4 years if re-electedGov. Mark Sanford “absolutely” will not run for president in 2025.
In a wide-ranging interview with The State newspaper in his State House office last week, Sanford said he would not be a candidate for president in the 2025 Republican primary.
Sanford will seek re-election as governor in 2025.
“Should I get re-elected,” Sanford said, “I absolutely am serving all four years, because we just have some huge issues here in South Carolina that are just an immense challenge.”
Meguesses that’s the wise move.
I don’t think Sanford was completely off the radar, and probably would have benefitted from SC’s early primary (similar to 1/2 the reason why Iowa’s Vilsack is on the Democratic short list).
Comment by Chris Lawrence — Monday, December 12, 2025 @ 12:02 pm