Via the AP: Iraq Voter Turnout Estimated at 70 Percent
Final results in Iraq’s parliamentary election may not be known for two weeks, but early indications show the Shiite tickets doing well in traditional Shiite strongholds, election officials said Friday.
There’s a shock. I am betting that Sunnis are doing well in Sunni areas as well…
And in re: turnout:
Turnout in what was a mostly peaceful election was overwhelming. Election officials estimated up to 11 million of the nation’s 15 million registered voters participated in Thursday’s vote, which would put overall turnout at more than 70 percent.
Initial estimates are almost always off, but still, an impressive figure
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December 16th, 2025 at 1:45 pm
Toot toot: That’s the Fruits and Votes horn you hear.
68% is what I projected. 68 is pretty close to 70.
It is a decent turnout, but “impressive” seems an overstatement, unless one uses US turnout as a standard. Which one should not.
December 16th, 2025 at 2:27 pm
Guerrillas and Elections: The Iraqi Sunni Arabs
The likely result is at least a temporary re-fueling of the insurgency, rather than a dampening of it
December 16th, 2025 at 5:17 pm
I was going with impressive as compared to the previous two elections, and in general it seems to me that in context it is pretty impressive.