Scott Gosnell at A Knight’s Blog and Pros and Cons find himself in an interesting position regarding a new blogging policy at his firm. The details are here.
Generically it raises a question that has come up before in the Blogosphere: does blogging during the “business day” constitute lack of productivity? Certainly, it could, but surely it is a question of volume, amongst other things. One guesses that the typical office worker spends more time gabbing with co-workers, getting coffee, etc. than most bloggers do blogging on a given day.
Granted, it would depend on one’s job and a variety of other variables. Scott himself notes what he sees as the benefit of blogging to his professional life.
One would think that in a law office, the question would be the level of billable hours produced by the given lawyer, not the exact number of minutes spend “working” from 8:00am-5:30pm.
In regards to this topic, I have noted the blog-work relationship in academia in several places, including here and here.