Via the AP: Cindy Sheehan Considering Senate Run
Cindy Sheehan, the peace activist who set up camp near President Bush’s Texas ranch last summer, said Saturday she is considering running against Sen. Dianne Feinstein to protest what she called the California lawmaker’s support for the war in Iraq.
I suspect that Feinstein would win that contest…
Indeed, methinks that someone is perhaps paying a bit too much attention to one’s press, epecially the stuff in anti-war publications…
Cindy Sheehan’s Losing It
Cindy Sheehan started out with a lot of credibility as an anti-war activist, but she seems determined to throw away what little credibility she now has left. For one thing, she’s gone from anti-war to anti-Americanism, hanging out with people
Trackback by — Sunday, January 29, 2025 @ 4:23 pm
I wouldn’t vote for Sheehan over Feinstein.
Comment by The Misanthrope — Tuesday, January 31, 2025 @ 11:28 am