Tuesday, October 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Left win Bogota as Colombia votes

A leftist rival of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has been elected mayor of Bogota, regarded as the country’s second most powerful elected post.

Samuel Moreno of the Democratic Pole party won despite apparent campaigning by Mr Uribe against him.

That was as expected, yet is still significant:

Mr Moreno’s victory is the second successive win for the Democratic Pole and could boost the party’s standing ahead of the next presidential election in 2025, correspondents say.

I actually once interviewed Moreno when he was a Senator for ANAPO back in 94/95.

Election day itself was basically peaceful, however:

At least 21 candidates died during the run-up to Sunday’s local and regional polls, with the government blaming the violence on left-wing guerrillas.
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