Monday, December 24, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Merry Christmas Eve to all the PoliBlog readers out there. I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season.

Here’s a little meme for discussion: what Christmas Eve/Christmas day traditions does your family have? I am especially curious about traditions you consider a little out of the norm,.

For example: it has been our tradition since 1996 for my wife to make the Ajiaco for Christmas Eve dinner. Ajiaco is a Colombia soup1 that we loved when we lived in Bogotá in 94/95 and while it is not a holiday dish in Colombia, but we it developed into one for us.

Anyone else have a tradition that they want to share?

  1. In fact, it is a Bogotáno specialty. []
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5 Responses to “Merry Christmas Eve Meme”

  • el
  • pt
    1. MSS Says:

      Throw as many different kinds of potatoes as you can in there. And, to be genuinely Bogotano, be sure to find the corn with the largest and toughest kernels you can. When I was in Colombia, I loved the ajiaco, though the type of corn they use took some getting used to.

      Anyway, that’s a neat tradition for your family!

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      We do have to fudge a bit on the corn, but Sherry does use three kinds of potatoes (of course, nothing like the variety one gets in Colombia!).

      At least a friend was able to mail us a new supply of guascas!

    3. MSS Says:

      Fudge on corn? Now there’s a Christmas Eve tradition!

    4. Jan Says:

      Our Christmas eve tradition growing up was to open one present on Christmas eve night.

      At Steve’s house growing up, his parents would invite some other Ukrainian friends and relatives over for dinner and have a traditional Ukrainian cabbage soup that I don’t know the name of. I’ve tried to make it, but it doesn’t ever turn out anything like his mother’s so I gave up.

      Last night we went to midnight mass, which was very nice. I’d like to make that a new tradition. :)

    5. B. Minich Says:

      For Christmas Eve, we’d make a flank steak dinner with twice baked potatoes, a vegetable, and other yummy goodness. Good stuff. The tradition seems to have morphed a bit – we now grill the steak outdoors, no matter what the weather in Pennsylvania.

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