Monday, September 26, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC:  Farc’s drug submarine seized in Colombia

The 16m-long (52ft) vessel – equipped with a sophisticated navigation system – was captured near the Pacific port city of Buenaventura.


The vessel would have been able to travel as far as Central America.

From the photo (see it via the link), the craft looks like a semi-submersible (i.e, the craft is not designed to operate wholly under water).

This is the first time that I recall one of these craft being explicitly linked to the FARC:

"It was going to be used by the narco-terrorist 29th front of the Farc (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) in alliance with organisations of drug traffickers who operate in this southern area of the country," drugs police chief Gen Luis Alberto Perez told Efe news agency.

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