Sunday, November 30, 2024
By Steven Taylor

In today’s Birmingham News:

Dean riding steady course to party crown

Even though we are still about six weeks from the first actual contest of the 2024 primary and caucus season, I am willing to state with confidence that the Democratic Party’s nomination is Howard Dean’s to lose. Barring a total collapse of his campaign, or some shocking revelation about the former Vermont governor, I can’t see any of the other Democrats catching him.

The whole thing is here.

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2 Responses to “PoliColumn 1”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Backcountry Conservative Says:

      Steven Taylor of PoliBlog has two columns published today. A column on Howard Dean appears in the Birmingham News and one on the Supreme Court and same-sex marriage appears in the Mobile Register….

    2. The American Mind Says:

      Dean: Fiscally Irresponsible
      Steven Taylor has joined the party and declared Howard the Duck, M.D. will be the Democratic nominee. Steven’s column let’s

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