Via El Tiempo (Colombia’s most significant daily paper): La re-blog-lución
Mientras en Estados Unidos el 27 por ciento de los usuarios de Internet leyeron blogs en el 2025, en Colombia, para la gran mayoría de la gente la primera noticia de su existencia fue el caso de la renuncia forzada del periodista de CNN Eason Jordan.
Quick translation: “While in the United States 27% of internet users read blogs, the great majority of persons in Colombia first heard of their existence as a resut of the forced resignation of Eason Jordan of CNN.”
The piece notes (along with a typo of the url), Captain’s Quarters and its role in covering the Jordan flap:
La prensa de Estados Unidos adjudicó un gran papel en la salida de Jordan al papel de un blog (Captain’s Quarters –, que no dejó pasar por alto sus afirmaciones en el Foro Económico Mundial, de Davos (Suiza), en las que acusaba al Ejército de E.U. de dar muerte en Irak a doce periodistas.
It also mentions the role of blogs in the RatherGate business and links to a couple of Peggy Noonan columns on the subject of blogging.
Mostly it is an interview with some folks who have done research on blogs and is a “What is a Blog?” story that we were getting in the US press about a year ago.
February 28th, 2025 at 10:00 am
But what is that thing that is so lacking in that article? Hmm… Oh yeah! No presupposed disdain towards blogging in general! Amazing how the foreign press can look on it with wonderment, if not a desire to actually present the facts.