Via the NYT: Pirro Is Advised Not to Oppose Mrs. Clinton
Jeanine F. Pirro’s bid to unseat Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton suffered an embarrassing setback on Tuesday when the State Legislature’s most powerful Republican said she should call the whole thing off and run for state attorney general instead.[...]
The news that one of the most powerful Republicans in the state believes that Ms. Pirro is running for the wrong office was just the latest problem to befall her campaign. When she began it in August, a misplaced page in her inaugural speech left her tongue-tied as the cameras rolled and led Democrats to mock her. Then, campaign filings released last month showed that her early fund-raising efforts were anemic.
Quite honestly, the only Republican in NY that I could see besting Mrs. Clinton for that seat is Rudy–and even then it wouldn’t be a slam dunk. So, while this may all be quite embarrassing for Pirro, I suspect that in terms of actually affecting the race in any substantial way, that this really doesn’t mean much.