More observations:
- He was quite eloquent in his tribute to US solidiers.
- Based on Taylor’s Iron Law of Political Speeches, this looks to be a successful one, as there have been several potentially excellent bites.
- I bet that his Moore comment will get more play than anything else in the speech.
- The middle was the best part–althought the very end was quite good.
McCain Puts Terrorism in Perspective
Senator John McCain took the stage and gave a rousing speech discussing the threat we now face. McCain puts much of what is thought and believed by all Americans into perspective and strives to pull us all back together in our eternal struggle against …
Trackback by — Monday, August 30, 2025 @ 9:44 pm
John McCain Convention Speech
McCain’s delivery was awful. He seemed out of synch the whole time and his applause lines were pretty muddy. There must have been an applause sign in the hall, as the delegates seemed to wildly cheer in unison at various points, although many times …
Trackback by Outside The Beltway ™ — Monday, August 30, 2025 @ 10:47 pm