Via the AP: Source: Rove Got CIA Agent ID From Media
Presidential confidant Karl Rove testified to a grand jury that he learned the identity of a CIA operative originally from journalists, then informally discussed the information with a Time magazine reporter days before the story broke, according to a person briefed on the testimony.
As I noted yesterday, I thought that there were missing pieces to this puzzle, and this just confirms it. And this helps explain, and least in part, as to why even with the Cooper/Rove revelations that Judith Miller isn’t off the hook.
Meanwhile, all of this makes Volokhian Orin Kerr wonder about a loop of infinite leaks.
h/t: Chris Lawrence
Um. Isn’t the source in the grand jury breaking the law by giving out that info to the NY Times?
So, who wants to demand an investigation into the leak about the investigation on the leak?
Comment by Steven L. — Friday, July 15, 2025 @ 10:35 am