Via the AP: Mont. Firefighters Rescue Cat From River
Someone had put the animal in a cage, along with a rock weighing about 16 pounds, and tossed it into the Clark Fork River. But instead of landing in the water, it bounced several times on the ice and then became stuck.It’s unclear how long the cat had been there.
There are ways to get rid of a pet one does not want. Drowning it in an icy river isn’t one of them.
At any rate: good for the cat:
Firefighter Josh Macrow decided to keep the cat. After his shift, he took it to a vet and then home to his 12-year-old daughter.
I wonder if the jerk that did that would like to have the same thing done to him or her?
Comment by Greg — Thursday, December 29, 2025 @ 3:24 pm