Via WaPo:Immigration Deal at Risk as House GOP Looks to Voters
Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) will not allow a vote on a House-Senate compromise that does not have the support of most GOP lawmakers or one that would undermine the reelection chances of his at-risk members, aides said. According to GOP lawmakers and strategists, about 75 percent of the 231 House Republicans are steadfastly opposed to the Senate bill or even a watered-down version of it.
A month or so ago I noted that it seemed unlikely that legislation would emerge from the Congress this session, and this story adds weight to that position.
Given the divisiveness of this debate, it is somewhat odd that the Congress has invested as much energy in it as they have. While 9/11 raised awareness of issues of border security and President Bush has been talking about a guest worker program since he ran for office the first time, I never have fully understood why this has become such a hot topic right now. It isn’t as if we just discovered that we have a illegal immigrant problem.
While it is also true that the Bill O’Reilly has been agitating on this topic for some time, and the Minutemen similarly have brought the topic to public attention, none of this seems sufficient to have forced Congress’ hand–especially since all they have managed to do is paint themselves into a corner.
I think you do well to mention the Minutemen. Love them or hate them, it was simply one of the most effective PR stunts ever undertaken.
Then when President knucklehead was nice enough to refer to them as “vigilantes” he almost singlehandedly thrust them into the limelight and made them more sympathetic as well.
This issue has been percolating at a medium flame for at least ten years, I think it was simply time for it to come to the fore.
Comment by Jake Jacobsen — Sunday, May 28, 2025 @ 12:06 pm
Well Sensenbrenner said he would not support any bill that had a path to citizenship and he appears to be the GOP Congressman taking the lead on this issue.
Comment by Talmadge East — Sunday, May 28, 2025 @ 12:30 pm
Thank god for the Minutemen. They have courage and bravery. They keep slapping Bush in the face by doing the job he won’t have done. Also, I am a Democrat and am fiery mad about what the Senate bill passed. People keep saying that there is a divide in the GOP. Well, there’s a major divide with the Democratic party: politicians want the illegals around for votes, and the people want them on outa here!
Comment by Jerry — Sunday, May 28, 2025 @ 9:36 pm
Hail to Minutemen!!!! I am shocked that Bush had the nerve to call them vigilantes. I guess they are vigilantes to him, for they are putting a monkey wrench in his Mexican Invasion plan. I say impeach Bush for failure to abide by his oath of office to protect our country. Getting rid of him would restore respect for the GOP.
Comment by Jennifer — Sunday, May 28, 2025 @ 9:41 pm