Whether its the US, Isreal, or Saudi Arabia, it seems that everyone wants to get into the act. Now, it’s China:China Erects Fence Along N. Korea Border
China has been building a massive barbed wire and concrete fence along parts of its border with North Korea in the most visible sign of Beijing’s strained ties with its once-cozy communist neighbor.Scores of soldiers have descended on farmland near the border-marking Yalu River to erect concrete barriers 8 to 15 feet tall and string barbed wire between them, farmers and visitors to the area said.
FYI: the Chinese-North Korean border is approximately 850 miles in length.
Somehow I think this fence will be more efficacious than anything we might construct along our southern border…
Well, it is not like this is the first time the Chinese have ever built a “wall.” It has been a few years since they built there first one but it was rather efficacious. “Efficacious” is going to be my word of the day.
Comment by Lisa — Tuesday, October 17, 2025 @ 9:30 am
Yeah, what she said. . .minus the word of the day part.
Comment by Jan — Tuesday, October 17, 2025 @ 9:35 am
They also have huge troop numbers on the border. Presumably they have orders to stop the expected waves of refugees across the border in the event of a collapse of the DPRK.
Comment by Matthew — Wednesday, October 18, 2025 @ 2:53 pm
Yup. That was what I was obliquely referring to when I noted the likely efficacy of the fence.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Wednesday, October 18, 2025 @ 3:15 pm