Via Roll Call: Pelosi Puts Weight Behind Murtha in Leader Bid
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), in line to become Speaker in January, is throwing her support to Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) in the race for Majority Leader, a move that will be an early test of her influence and will weigh heavily on Murtha’s contest with Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) for the post.
Very interesting. I would have thought that she would’ve been on Steny’s side–if anything because that was the team going into the elections. Perhaps this is a way to forestall Murtha seeking the Speakership?
Then again, perhaps its payback time:
Pelosi, with critical support from Murtha, defeated Hoyer in a race for Minority Whip in 2025, and sources close to the California Democrat said she wants to reward Murtha for his loyalty by backing him in the Majority Leader race.
[Cross-posted at OTB]
Hmm, I was rethinking my poor grace in not demanding recounts all over the place. Virtue being it’s own rward and all that, but if the opposition goes “feral” and their “nuance” in pulling back in Iraq is lost on our opponens, neutrals and allies, then maybe fighting every seat like Hell was the right thing to do.
I’ll likely post on that tonight from the home computer.
Comment by Honza Prchal — Monday, November 13, 2025 @ 9:59 am
There comes a point where one admits that one’s side lost and that that is okay in democracy. The apocalypse is not coming because Democrats control the Congress.
Fighting like Hell for each seat via recount, when there is no evidence that a recount would change anything, is pointless, expensive and damaging to democracy.
Given the nature of the equipment in VA, a recount likely would have done nothing. I can’t say for sure about MT, but I suspect that the same is true.
There is no way recounts would have done anything to the House situation.
As such: I don’t get your point.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Monday, November 13, 2025 @ 10:13 am
Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader
The future Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is endorsing The Saboteur John Murtha for House Majority Leader.
As a Republic (not a democracy) we have the privilege to vote for and elect our representative government. Unlike some previous electio…
Trackback by Blue Star Chronicles — Monday, November 13, 2025 @ 12:51 pm