This will only make sense to my fellow Axis of Weevil types, but I am doing some research on the current ad campaigns in Alabama from the groups oppossed to the Riley plan. One of the major funders of the main opposition TV ads is ALFA Mutual Insurance (i.e., the Alabama Farmers Association’s insurance company). They are one of the biggest interest groups in the state, and benefit from insanely low property tax rates. Yet, they have the gall to finance commercials that talk about how the Riley plan is only for “insiders”–like they are some grassroots organization.
Of course, if you check out the anti-Riley site, there is no reference to ALFA to be found (or to the major paper companies who don’t want to pay fairer (and still quite low) property taxes).
Amazing and hypocritical. And what is more frustrating is that there are plenty of voters who would benefit from the tax package with tax cuts (indeed, the vast majority of Alabamians would get tax cuts), but who think that the anti-Riley groups are looking out for the “little guy”.
Not to mention that the upshot of all of this is to help keep the state’s economy firmly in the 19th century.
They jus’ tryin’ to look after us po’ fokes, tha’s all.
The thing that irks me the most about the opponents of this plan is that they promise all that fresh new money will be lining the pockets of MONTGOMERY INSIDERS!! [insert ominous music and images of cigar-chomping back-slappers] I’m not certain, but the last time I checked the Legislature was packed tight with MONTGOMERY INSIDERS, who, if this plan is not passed will waste no time in raising taxes. Without any sort of statewide vote. Done to suit their best interests, and those of their masters.
I’m sure there must be good, sound reasons to oppose this plan, but to sit there and act like our present situation is full of goodness and light, and that we are bestowed with kind and honest representatives let down from the firmament by angelic hosts is a bit too much to stomach.
As I see it, if Roger Bedford is against it, I need little more to be for it.
Comment by Terry Oglesby — Tuesday, August 26, 2025 @ 9:12 am
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 2:54 pm