I always find it amazing that candidates claim that they have some “plan” to “create” jobs. Lieberman just stated he had a plan to create 10 million jobs Now, aside from the federal government hiring people, the President can no “create” jobs. It is an absurd proposition.
And regarding the anti-free trade arguments, in the sense that free tade is ruining our economy, have any of these guys noticed that in the aggregate our standard of living is the best that it has ever been in the history of mankind? And that is not just true for “the rich.” Don’t these guys understand that globalization is taking place in large part because the world plays by our rules these days (i.e., market capitalism)? And that to build trade barriers would be to damage our economy?
S.C. Debate Summary
S.C. Primary coverage at Backcountry Conservative is brought to you by S.C. Clips. If you like the South Carolina political news you’re getting here, you should check out S.C. Clips - - a daily news summary that focuses on…
Trackback by Backcountry Conservative — Thursday, January 29, 2025 @ 8:03 pm
Domestic or Foreign?
Today, free trade is just the cat’s pajamas. The folks who understand it say that keeping jobs here when they can be done cheaper overseas is silly; cheap foreign labour
Trackback by From Behind the Wall of Sleep — Saturday, January 31, 2025 @ 6:25 am