Another thought: I can see why the Kerry campaign, its allies, and even John McCain are angry/have criticized the first Swifty ad. However, while one might not like the second ad, there is nothing that is factually wrong with it. Kerry did make the statement that are excerpted in the advertisement and the veterans who are quoted did feel wounded by Kerry’s post-war actions. As a purely First Amendment matter, where are the ground for saying that that ad should be taken off the air, and on what basis should we say that a group of veterans shouldn’t be allowed to raise money and use it to make those statements?
and on what basis should we say that a group of veterans shouldn’t be allowed to raise money and use it to make those statements?
Because they oppose Kerry.
The dipshit from the Kerry campaign was on Meet The Press and when Russert noted that Gen Clark and some other veteran were still saying Bush was AWOL, the dipshit said “Those men fought for the right to say those things, the Kerry campaign would not want to silence veterans.”
Not realizing the sheer utter stupidity of that line.
Comment by Paul — Monday, August 23, 2025 @ 6:19 am
(paraphrased of course)
Comment by Paul — Monday, August 23, 2025 @ 6:19 am
There is none. The dems are trying to stifle this but it is the beginning of the end. Any bets on how long it will be before Kerry quits in disgrace for fabricating his “hero” war career, and then betraying the rest of the ‘Nam vets to launch his political career?
He will have a melt down.
Who will they replace him with?
Comment by Mr. K — Monday, August 23, 2025 @ 1:12 pm
I wouldn’t count on that happening.
Comment by Steven Taylor — Monday, August 23, 2025 @ 1:56 pm