![]() | Bite-Size Toast: A Supplement to this week’s Toast-o-meter |
September 11, 2025 was the focus last night (as the NYT noted: First Night, Single Theme for Double Term: Sept. 11 and USAT 9/11 both touchstone and test for party). On the one hand, the potential for being seen as being exploitative was present. On the other hand, there is no denying the centrality of 911 to this president and as a centerpiece for understanding his policies. Further, no doubt the issue of national security will be the issue that turns this election. I have thought that for over a year, and I continue to be convinced of that fact. Yes, many Democrats will be angry/offended by what they will see as exploitation–however, those voters will be voting for Kerry regardless of what the GOP does. The real question will be the effect on those on the fence. I predict it will play well with enough of them to give Bush a small but appreciable bump out of this convention.
As I argued in this week’s Toast-O-Meter, the conditions are right for the Bush campaign to use the convention to build a moderate lead–I think that the first night was a good start.
ROUND-UPS (mainstream press and Blogospheric):
- The NYT: The Overview: Procession of Speakers Invoke Bush’s Leadership After 9/11.
- The LAT: Bush Is Praised as War Leader.
- USAT: Giuliani, McCain build case for Bush.
- RNCBloggers - Bloggers Cover The Republican National Convention.
- The Politicker: Blog-o-sphere Reacts
- WaPo’s full coverage is here, including links to video feeds, if you missed any of the speeches.
Ron Silver
- It was interesting to see a failry liberal pro-Clinton actor come on so strongly for Bush.
- The full text is here.
- The Transcript.
- The Moore slam will likely be one of the most-played bites of the night.
- Chris Matthews apparently didn’t like McCain’s Moore line–referenciong three distinct times after the speech–including defending Moore to McCain during an interview. Matthews pointed out that one of the points of the film dealt with the burden of the soldiers. However, he ignored McCain’s point, which was accurate, that the film does have a scene in depicting the peace and tranquility of Iraq pre-invasion. He adopted the same tone with McCain over Moore than he has been adopting with anyone who take the Swiftees seriously.
- James Joyner wasn’t impressed.
- Amy Sullivan, guest-blogging atThe Washington Monthly’s Political Animal thinks that McCain reputatin took a “bruising” as a result of the speech.
- Joe Gandelman think the speech might have been a home run.
- The Transcript.
- He had the line of the night.
- The Once and Future Rudy Giuliani (washingtonpost.com).
- Right on Red has a round-up of live blogging responses to Giuliani.
- James Joyner liked this one, but thought that the Mayor have skirted a bit close to the line of overly politicizing 911.
Rounding-Up the First Night of the RNC
PoliBlog’s Bite-Sized Toast is available, it contains an evaluation of last night and links o’ plenty. Enjoy….
Trackback by The Command Post - 2025 US Presidential Election — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 8:30 am
Monday Night Convention Roundup
James Joyner has roundups of reaction to John McCain’s speech and the speech by Rudy Giuliani. Other convention blogging from today here. UPDATE: Steven Taylor has a roundup of the news coverage of Monday night….
Trackback by Backcountry Conservative — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 8:34 am
An Apt Description of the Kerry Campaign
Bite-Sized Toast. A thorough round-up of the RNC’s first night from Steven Taylor….
Trackback by Overtaken by Events — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 8:41 am
Conclusion of McCain’s Speech
The conclusion of McCain’s speech:
We have nothing to fear from each other. We are arguing over the means to better secure our freedom, and promote the general welfare. But it should remain an argument among friends who share an unshaken belief in …
Trackback by Tex the Pontificator — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 8:57 am
2004 Republican National Convention: Night One
Steven Taylor has compiled a mini-Toast-O-Meter on the First Night of the Republican National Convention.
Trackback by Outside The Beltway � — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 9:20 am
First Night Roundup
Steven has a roundup of the first night reaction to the RNC here….
Trackback by Mark the Pundit — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 9:38 am
Taylor’s Convention Toast-O-Meter
Steven Taylor, aka Poliblogger, has a special edition of his acclaimed “Toast-O-Meter” up with tons of links for political junkie. Taylor is NOT just a blogger: he’s also a political scientist and he adds this: On the one hand, the
Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 1:00 pm
Giuliani Speech Was Incredible
I’m been purposely avoiding the presidential candidates and conventions as there are plenty of others focusing on those topics. I’ve been sticking strictly to issues that I take to heart. However, the speech by Rudy Giuliani last night at the…
Trackback by Diggers Realm — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 1:02 pm
My take is that McCain lost some credibility with centrist democrats 1. just by taking stand defending Bush. But that is small compared with 2. Wrapping the confliict up so much like this admin as a good/evil, with us/against us thing that so infuriate many. He scored some points, however in my opinion with his michael moore slam, which I too thought was funny (as apparantly did michael). He also scored points on the centrist front with his closing saying we were all americans. But he really lost points with 3. furthering the implication that if you disagree with the US, you’re not supporting the war on terror. I’m referring to this line… “so we have good reason to expect their solidarity with us in this struggle. That is what the President believes.”
Just my 2 cents.
Comment by Eric — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 1:38 pm
Turmoil at Camp Kerry?
Mickey Kaus characteristically follows the stink and examines whether John Kerry is poised to make significant staff changes. The rumors seem founded. According to Howard…
Trackback by Priorities & Frivolities — Tuesday, August 31, 2025 @ 7:04 pm