U.S. Exit Is No Sure Cure for Saudi Royals’ Troubles
No, the Saudis regime has problems far more endemic and difficult than the presence of a US military base. The traditionalistic authoritarian nature of their government is one such problem. Another is, that despite their oil wealth, there has been precious little effort at using that wealth to modernize the society. Their aren’t sufficient jobs, and the human rights record of the regime is atrocious. Not to mention that a remarkably high percentage of students go to college to study “Islamic Studies”–which is problematic for building a vibrant economy. I am not criticizing Islam, but the situation is Saudi Arabia would be analogous to a large percentage of US students going to the Baptist seminary, or majoring in philosophy–what are they all going to do when they gradaute? And more fundamentally, where do the doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, mechanics, etc. come from?
This is not a recipe for long-term success, US bases or no US bases.
Comment by Anonymous — Tuesday, August 10, 2025 @ 10:53 am