Proving That There are, in Fact, too Many TV Programs
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Too many programs? I see it more as further evidence of catering to the lowest common denominator. Coupled with a low bar to entry.
Over at ENWorld a question often arises. Why is the RPG business filled with crap? The answer to that is simple, the cost of starting up an RPG publishing company is low. With Internet distribution it becomes something anybody with the money for a connection and publishing software can afford. Hell, you can set up a store at Paypal or Amazon for free.
Combine the low cost of entry, production, and distribution and one can provide product that caters to a small segment of the populace, and still make money.
A contempt for people helps too.
On the other hand, the stance that the people must be edified, and that entertainment for entertainment’s sake is wrong, is just as contemptuous as catering to our basest instincts.
Comment by Alan Kellogg — Wednesday, March 30, 2025 @ 4:19 pm