WaPo gets out the ol’ “search” function in Word and give us some counts: I, I, Sir: The Alito Hearings, Annotated.
Here’s shocker:
But one thing united lawmakers on both sides: reverence for the first person. Republicans used the “I” word 1,180 times. Democrats used it 1,123 times. Combined, they used it well more than the nominee, who said “I” 1,907 times.
Generically I find much of the commentary on the contents of the hearing to be somewhat vacuous–insofar as everyone seems shocked, shocked!! that Alito was cautious and that the Senators were egotistical.
Given that the purpose of the hearings for the nominee is to say as little as possible and emerge confirmable, and the goal for the Senators is to score political points, can any other outcome be expected?
Basic conditions and the incentive structures that they create shape behavior. How hard is this to understand?