Via the AP: Saudis plan long fence for Iraq border
Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with plans to build a fence to block terrorists from crossing its 560-mile border with Iraq — another sign of growing alarm that Sunni-Shiite strife could spill over and drag Iraq’s neighbors into its civil conflict.
It is interesting to note that in an era of globalization, wherein national boundaries are losing some of their historical significance, that a number of states are building border fences.
Is this a reassertion of national sovereignty or a futile gasp of old-fashion state-centrism? (or something else entirely?)
Exactly how high is this fence planned to be? Is it designed to actually keep terrorist in or out, whichever the case may be, or is it just for show? Are we talking Berlin wall? Great Wall of China wall? Barbed wire fence?
Comment by Jan — Thursday, September 28, 2025 @ 11:28 am
according to the article, the saudis are saying it’s to keep iraq-based terrorists out.
but it’s probably just as likely to try to keep refugees out. a wealthy country like SA, just next to a war-torn country like iraq is bound to attract refugees
Comment by upyernoz — Thursday, September 28, 2025 @ 3:53 pm
Saudis To Build Border Fence To Keep Iraqi Terrorists Out
Saudi Arabia has announced that it will be building a fence along its border with Iraq to keep terrorists out. The fact of the matter is that fences work. Some say they don’t work, but all they have to do…
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