That sound you hear are the Nine pounding their heads against the nearest wall, as one of their main campaign issues appears to be evaporating:

Source: Yahoo
The 411:
The economy grew at a blistering 7.2 percent annual rate in the third quarter in the strongest pace in nearly two decades. Consumers spent with abandon and businesses ramped up investment, compelling new evidence of an economic resurgence.[…]
The 7.2 percent pace marked the best showing since the first quarter of 1984. It exceeded analysts’ forecasts for a 6 percent growth rate for third-quarter GDP, which measures the value of all goods and services produced within the United States.
(And, James’ post the other day on the “Bush Economy” is certainly about to come true. Or, at least, different people will be using the phrase than have been doing so.)
Daniel Drezner, Brad DeLong, and Steven Taylor have a roundup of good news on the economic front. Obviously, if this trend continues, it will help…
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